Thursday, March 4, 2010


Growth model
resources in schools
demographics of Chandler Elementary and Union Hill

irony of approval of charter school: founder was unsuccessful, but is being brought back to run another school
whereas the Chandler principal willingly took on that challenge that the charter founder has no interest in educating at all

challenges of urban education: wrong with formula they've been using
"shouldn't be surprised"
increased funding from state and federal side
"not going to go away"
"have to deal with these situations ...try to work within the frameworks right now"

says the national union is "ahead of where we are" in accepting these regulations
federal government in looking at individual schools "making irrelevant school committee, administration, and teachers' union"
successful collaboration
"struggles of those Level 4 schools...rests with all of us"

"make sure we're putting our teachers and building administrators" in a position to be successful
"interest based strategic planning"
"we aren't educating all children here now"
"moral imperative that we deal with that"

Motion: request breakdown on data used to provide assessment for Level 4 schools
Motion: request mayor, superintendent, president of EAW for "interest based strategic planning" (which I'm now going to abbreviate IBSP)

Boone says accountability system will link with IBSP
regarding what the state said the measures used were: 4 year trends in absolute achievement, 2 and 1 year of student growth (also MCAS), improvement trends in MCAS, composite performance of MCAS, annual student growth percentage MCAS, and change in MCAS; Boone acknowledges that it is basically based on MCAS

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