Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Questions from City Council:

"One simple question" from Councilor Germaine

Ugh...back to the 103% again.

"Are we there? Are you satisfied with the budget?"

"First year we aren't cutting services; I'm happy...none of us are happy that we have the status quo...a lot of very hard work in funding inside the budget..$6.3 million dollars of purchasing power...satisfied and very pleased with that...net school spending is calculated on your bottom line, not on your line item. Purchasing power is what you'd have if you had 103%. It's really about purchasing power...There should be much more weigh in net school spending."

Germaine "We're going to find $13,000 here...going to throw every nickel at this."

There was great frustration in the audience during this exchange. As we heard from one parent, speaking of Superintendent Caradonio, later, "What did he have to lose? He's leaving this year! The right answer was 'NO! I'm not satisfied!' What was up with that??"

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