with apologies, of course, to Clement C. Moore.
(not that kind of spin) |
'Twas the Friday before Christmas
And all through the city
Not creature examined
A press release so pretty.
"Ten million!" it said
On every channel,
"For a difficult budget
we must work to handle!"
"More children," it said
"They must be supported,
"And our new Burncoat High
"we're funding!" it purported.
(Not mentioned as yet?
The head-scratching omission
From MSBA's list:
Burncoat Middle's addition?)
While free cash to schools
Is better than none
And planning for schools
Is better when done
The municipal spin
On this was nearly transcension
And lest we be left
Under misapprehension:
Our city, like all
throughout our fair state,
Is required
To pull its fair weight.
This 'foundation budget'
Most far exceed.
Worcester, alas,
Does not follow this lead.
Cutting so close
Puts us in constant peril,
And this year, indeed,
The shave was too narrow.
Yet to be sure the students'
Highest needs were met
Buses are sent
To a greater extent.
Out-of-district tuition
May count; buses don't.
And so the dollars moved
Where the press release won't.
It may not make headlines
As nicely as that,
But being unclear
The reasons fall flat.
When the public is not given
The facts of the case
We cannot make good decisions
And we're aren't in our place
Of being good watchdogs
And being prepared
For FY26
And all that entails.
Let me give here a nod
'Fore I close out this verse:
Worry less about spin
More about what you disburse.