The city said this afternoon that, though it is a public meeting, no public questions or comments would be taken, despite questions being posted on the agenda.
The agenda is as follows:
The meeting was posted for has not, as yet, started, but I'll be updating this as we go.
DPW Commissioner Paul Moosey presenting
one of the things DPW does is oversee school construction
updating building committee
Tishman is building project manager; LPA selected to design new Doherty, also designed Nelson Place and South
Feasibility is "when we look at what program is this building going to need"
1670 students is settled with MSBA, "which this building can't contain anything near that"
"that's the biggest part of it is the program"
"then what are your options to get there": to add on and renovate, or look for another site, or squeeze another building onto this site, or take this building down and build new
going to do visioning: "get a little bit more public input than we have had in the past"
"a substantial investment, probably at least as much as South High"
"this school is surrounded by parkland"
"the city administration has no interest in touching the parkland"
"but [also] you're not going to see a new school in 2024, which is what we're committed to" if we touch the parks
the superintendent has arrived
Tishman going through the modules of MSBA
now in module 3; "the city has done terrific to this point...getting MSBA to even look at the school"
first phase is the preliminary design program: scheduled to be completed in September this year
then preferred schematic design submitted in December of this year
plan is for occupation in September of 2024
president of LPA "so pleased to be here today"
and now is introducing people who work there
program development, then alternative site evaluation, evaluation of existing building and site
"allows the best option to rise to the surface"
uh, maybe
"at the end of this process we choose three options to pursue further"
"very inclusive and thorough process to gather input"
"want to get as much input prior the end of the school as possible"
"some big picture visioning sessions" which she says "we will get to you"
special ed is reviewed separately through DESE; Ch.74 is envisioned to continue with engineering
Parra reviewing quadrant; looks at all sites of a particular size in the quadrant
available sites, road access, neighborhood concerns
"find the best site to meet the needs of the school"
"comparative" as it is only sites that actually exist
will look at site itself, as well as adjacencies to park
comparative designs: first is a no build; then additions and renovations, then new constructions on exisiting site, looking at swing space putting building on current site
Moosey: very compressed schedule, LPA has really made a huge commitment
"very accelerated"
Augustus: Nelson Place on schedule, on budget, close to energy independent
"if you think about the cost of South High School" $210M or so
Doherty close to $230M: "the city in partnership with the state will build the equivalent to new five ballparks, so we have our priorities straight"
"that's important that people remember that and acknowledge that"
acknowledges Mahoney and Chandler
South: the state is reimbursing us 55%, so the city needs to come up with 45% (
thus not, let's say, five ballparks)
"actively talk more about the vision for the schools" than we have in the past
Bergman: 2024 as opening date?
there was some discussion of MSBA changing policy on pools: is that true? is this a chance to discuss that?
Moosey: I haven't confirmed that that is the case
Bergman: there wasn't the publicity that there could have been; "not a criticism, it's an observation"
"moving forward" asks that we do better
Q: are there alternative areas being considered?
Is Duddie in the district? "believe it is just outside the district"
Q: who is on the building committee and what is their role?
"certain votes that they have to take"
"building committee has a role in that?" yes, they do
could we just get their names published?
how long from shovels to building? South High is 33-34 months of construction
what about if you have students here: where do they go?
if you keep them here, that's difficult, but it's been done
"not off the table, MSBA will look at that option"
Q: how will that process unfold? "it's way too early to talk about that"
Q: I am not asking for an outcome; that will be a public process, involve the public schools
"yes, it would have to be the schools"
Q: is that something that parents would be involved in?
this is not thoroughly answered
Q: land granted to school versus taking
Friends of Newton Hill, concerned with using full space of school, could cut into space "functionally parkland"
Moosey: "I mean outside of that border" of 20 acres
there is an upcoming meeting, it is not yet scheduled, they took names but no contact information