Friday, January 18, 2019

The Board of Ed meets Tuesday for its regular January meeting

And the agenda is here.
The meeting, as usual, opens with comments from the Chair, the Commissioner, and the Secretary, followed by public comment.
There's a focus this month on charter schools, although the recommendation or not on the two remaining new ones won't come until next month. Among the items on the agenda is an initial discussion of those two. The first item is the agreement (as announced earlier this week) among the Department, New Bedford, and Alma del Mar Charter School; note that this is not being greeted with universal enthusiasm.
There is also an update on the Paulo Freire Charter in Springfield, of which the upshot appears to be that they aren't fowarding the information they're supposed to be to DESE, and DESE consequently doesn't have enough information to make a decision on their probation.
The Helen Y. Davis Charter in Boston doesn't seem to be meeting what it was supposed to, either, and thus the Commissioner is recommending it continue on probation.

There will also be a discussion of the plan on the shift in assessment in high school (new MCAS, you'll recall).
And there is a discussion on the Board's annual report.

Yes, there will be liveblogging! 

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