Friday, April 29, 2016

The Worcester City Council inquires on the missing $12 million

If you followed the discussion at Monday's Joint Committee, Councilor Bergman (in particular) was intrigued about this missing $12 million, from the 2010 calculation of the foundation budget, in which the state used a different quarter to calculation the inflation that year.
And yes, the difference would be $12 million.

This Tuesday's City Council agenda has the two orders coming out of that meeting that resulted:

FROM THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION - Request City Manager request the City Solicitor render an opinion as to legal options in recovering the 2010 miscalculated foundation education formula dollars ($12,000,000.00) and whether or not there is an applicable statute of limitations.

 FROM THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION - That the City Council does hereby go on record requesting the State Legislature to include in the final FY17 Chapter 70 state budget an adjustment to the 2010 skipped quarter for the foundation budget inflation factor, as referenced in the final Foundation Budget Review Commission Report, that would provide the Worcester Public Schools an additional $12,000,000 in state aid.

Note that the latter would be for THIS budget being discussed now: FY17.

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