Monday, April 29, 2013

Surveys (Accountability)

Third consecutive year of administering surveys
Parent and student surveys are nearly the same as last year
Teacher survey is based on state survey...only received info for schools that have more than 50% response rate (which wasn't that wide)
What would you like to be asked? What do you have no other way of getting to administration?
Good questions to teachers: needs better PR. This isn't another piece of paperwork from admin; this is how you get your opinion to people who need to hear it!
Parents: are they listened to at school? is their voice welcomed? school leadership
Students: how relevant is your homework? How much time is spent on tests/on getting ready for tests?  How much time do you spend outside at school/what are you allowed to do outside of school?

Perda: challenge in getting responses back from parents, in particular. Need to hear from all parents not  just those pleased with system
Biancheria asks that question be dropped rather than just added (if one goes in, one goes out); concerned about length of survey
Last year's survey results were reported out via Governance in February

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