Thursday, February 16, 2012

Level 4 stakeholders recommendations: Burncoat Prep

publishing as we go
 Boone: teams of community members for parents and others in attendance to make recommendations, plus stakeholders' group, whose membership is laid out in the "Act Relative to the Achievement"
School kid-friendly, staff had done research, provide support necessary for teachers to be successful
prep work done around 11 Essential Conditions 
a lot of momentum at the school, particular at building a strong student and teacher culture
Faculty and staff had done work prior to school being declared Level 4; had assessed themselves by 11 Conditions in the fall
programs that centered around the success of each child
90/90/90 article: mini-book study
"thriving with teachers who believe deeply in their craft"
instructional group: easier due to the work done by faculty prior
nearly all of the recommendations related to teaching and learning
initiatives already in place & changes to made
wraparound coordinator and adjustment counselor
when students' basic needs are met, more likely to succeed
professional development
"to foster a life-long love of learning"
"areas of need and areas of strength" in use of data
even greater level of detail
recommendation for lengthened day: by 90 minutes (note that at Burncoat Prep this would require transportation)
Community and parent engagement: parents what they want for their kids
"strong relationships with families" especially ELL
discuss assessment practices: report cards
social events with families to engage them
strengthen PTO: offsite meeting, flexible times, childcare
"hopes, dreams, and wishes for the students"
include parent feedback in assessment of school

Boone: heard that work done by school before Level 4 allowed process to go through
Year of level 4 schools: what has been working in those schools

*for concerns about this article, see EdWeek

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