Monday, March 10, 2008

Quotable Quotes, Part 2

"The collective resolve of the entire community is needed to maintain the quality of education that the students of Worcester have received and deserve." Report on Revenue and Expenditure Projections for Fiscal Years 2007-2011, Worcester Public Schools (this is not available online, but one can get a copy by request through the School Committee)

"In any situation of limited revenue, from family to business/industry to government, leadership must prioritize all of its responsibilities and insure that those of highest priority are provided the support and resources necessary to produce maximum quality.
..How can we hope to maintain and expand our taxbase and attract new business and industry to our city when employees would have to consider paying private school tuitions above their property taxes or live in a suburban community outside of the city in order to feel secure that their children were not at 'educational risk'?!...Education is of highest priority to a community! I urge you to take our city out of the category of "bottom feeder" with regard to funding of our schools, recognize and validate the importance of education among all the functions of city government, and establish a level of funding in the budget that you present to the City Council for approval that moves Worcester in the direction of funding education at a level which is minimally at the state average of 18% above foundation level." Charles T. Gruszka, city resident and retired educator, in his March 9, 2008 letter to the City Manager and the City Council

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