Wednesday, April 4, 2018

In loco parentis

You may have heard that we're having a big anniversary here in Massachusetts this year: it's the 25th anniversary of the Education Reform Act of 1993 this June 18.

It's also the 25th anniversary of the McDuffy decision this June 15. Pick your celebration.

Thus far, most of the proclamations have been marked by their crediting the local level; Acting Commissioner Wulfson more than once has led with the hard work in classrooms and has spoken of the superintendents and district leaders having the work of implementation.
We've even gotten an occasional reference to the money involved.

Which is why, after the local districts spoke up so loud and clearly a year ago November, it is frankly bizarre to have the parent voice at the State House celebration tomorrow be that of the reincarnated group that pushed for the lifting of the charter cap.

Reincarnated, of course, because they were forced to disband due to failure to comply with campaign finance laws.

Of all of the things the state leadership could be bringing to mind on this festive occasion, which also will mark the beginning of the tenure of a new Commissioner, they're choosing illegal finance activity over a ballot question the Governor, Secretary, and Chair of the Board of Ed were all on the (very) wrong side of?

Interesting choice, gentlemen.

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