Monday, July 16, 2012

Schools on the Council agenda this week

There are several items on tomorrow night's City Council agenda regarding schools:

  • Item 9.31A and 17h is the $6 million loan order for rehabilitation for schools; this is two years of $3 million each.
  • Item 10A is the Committee on Education reporting out and includes the PowerPoint presentation that we received in our joint meeting. 
  • Item 11i is from Councilor Palmieri, asking for cleaning and mulch at the LakeView playground (which isn't at the school but in the park across the street).
  • Item 11j is from Councilor Economou, asking for an update on Nelson Place. We haven't had an official announcement of a building committee (as appointed by the City Manager) as yet; I have heard that the parent/neighborhood search process is on. Much of the committee is set by the requirements of MSBA (it has to have the Superintendent, the City Manager, the finance officer, the principal, etc). The questions regarding rehab/rebuild and location are ones that will be answered during the feasibility stage; one could even say that we CANNOT know this yet, as we have to look at all options during feasibility. 


T-Traveler said...

any word on the Heard st school roof?

Tracy Novick said...

T, very much on the radar screen. Administration is working to find the money for it.