Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gateway to College

Gateway to College program with QCC
Boone "who are close to graduating, need some credit recovery opportunities, to reengage in high school"
Vice President Dale Allen from QCC presenting
"national model...initially started by the Gates foundation...out of school or at risk of going out of school....both a high school degree and opportunities for college credit"
"we're dealing with the same children and limited public resources"
QCC leadership team: Tammy Boyle and Kyle Brenner from WPS; meet weekly
opportunity to apply for $300,000 from Gateway to College out of Oregon
(Note: interesting group of funders)
The college was the lead in the application for the grant
$100,000 for staff and for a planning year, which is now over
now for full implementation
31 students now accepted (ages 16-22)
can only accept 60 students in the fall and 40 students in the spring
"understood and viewed as the fourth option" in the Worcester Public Schools
majority of students not only graduate from high school, but go on to attend a two or four year college
Mount Wachusett Community College has been running this for some time
a year's lag in the ch.70 funding (they're getting this year's money next year)

Monfredo: how is recruitment is taking place?
through community-based organizations and through WPS
follow the usual QCC schedule; generally takes a year and a half to complete high school
work with last host school for that student, and then test into QCC levels

Colorio: is there a way for parents to get their kids in now (for kids who may have already dropped out)?
Boone: reaching out to young adults, as well

Foley: will they still need to pass MCAS?
Boone: yes, if they have not already

Novick: full ch. 70 per pupil amount will be going to QCC for each of these students
still working out whose students they will be in tracking (for graduation rates)

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