Thursday, February 4, 2010

Motion for reconsideration

reconsideration from Biancheria: this was her item; she asked for reconsideration within 48 hours of the last meeting
asking that this item have a report by 3/4/10 instead of going to subcommittee
comments that she has gotten phone calls"questioning the strategies of the administration in dealing with the summer youth program"l
ists some of the advantages of the summer programs
What will we know in 30 days, what can we know in 30 days?

Boone responds that we will not have state or federal numbers in 30 days: the state will not yet have passed a budget, nor will the federal government.
Can show what last year's programs looked like and what the plans are
will not have numbers yet

Mullaney "anxious to know about" all programs; a little reluctant to "just single out" summer programs

O'Connell: summer programs crucial to prevent or minimizing summer slide
report is still early enough to plan for summer

1 comment:

Neil and Joan said...

Federal funds through August 31 (or technically September 30) have already been approved. The district shuld know these numbers.