Thursday, February 4, 2010

Agenda's up!

And, more to the point, the PowerPoint on FY11 for the Worcester Public Schools is up!

A few points to note:
  • (p.5) State aid is level funded (the charter reimbursement goes down each year, remember).
  • (p.17) due to a negative inflation factor, the foundation budget is growing by only $1.2 million (note, though, the increase in school population)
  • (p.20) the budget does not include a raise for staff
  • (p.21) leaving us at a $14 million
  • (p.22) AHA! How many remembered that there was still $8 million remaining in the stimulus (put down your hand if you work for the city or school budget office)? Should we use that, we're at about $6 million in the red heading into next year PENDING THE BUDGET GETTING THROUGH THE LEGISLATURE.
  • (p.24) There is NO MORE STIMULUS MONEY socked away!
Again, I'll liveblog this tonight during the presentation itself. 7pm, or thereabouts.

1 comment:

Neil and Joan said...

There is 8 million dollars left but it has very specific uses. It is important to remember that the Title I portion (almost half) cannot be used to supplant positions.