Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The 2009 Bunkum Awards

And just when you thought all sense of humor had been lost in education policy circles, the Education and the Public Interest Center (at the University of Colorado-Boulder) has published the 2009 Bunkum Awards. The Awards "highlight nonsensical, confusing, and disingenuous education reports produced by think tanks" each year.
Readers may recognize How New York City’s Charter Schools Affect Achievement (see EPIC's debunking here):
In a revolutionary reversal of research procedures, Hoxby and her colleagues announced her results to the media and policymakers while withholding much of the actual information on which her results were based. Hers was a breakthrough in scientific methodology and a tribute to the non-accountability of pro-accountability researchers.
I also must mention the "Time Machine Award," which goes to the Reason Foundation for its weighted student formula (EPIC's analysis here):

...in a truly breathtaking innovation, the report enters its time machine and attributes positive reform outcomes to policy changes that had not yet been implemented.

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