Sunday, January 12, 2020

Two worth reading on language learning

I'm catching up a bit on my reading that has been lingering in my inbox. Two on language learning to share:
  • This Kappan online piece around the problematic coverage of English learners points to misconceptions and misframings that often are continued by the media. Important for anyone who speaks about education and learning to read and consider in what it is we say. It is not a static group, and that matters when we speak of things.
  • U.S.A. Today is beginning Hecho en USA about Latinos, and this piece on the expansion of Spanish learning in schools that is not enough for Latinos who are Spanish-speaking, is important. I'd particularly note that as Massachusetts moves forward with expansion of dual language programs under the LOOK Act, we need to be sure that the language expansions don't particularly belong to first language English speakers, thus further perpetrating inequity

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