Friday, August 10, 2012

Changes in English Language Learning coming in Massachusetts

There's an article in EdWeek this week covering the upcoming changes in English Language Learning in the Commonwealth, in answer to a Department of Justice investigation finding ELL programs to be inadequate. Much of what this is going to mean is a requirement that teachers in all four "core" (English, math, science, and social studies) take a course on language acquisition, something which will be required of all core-content teachers being licensed after 2016. Administrators who supervise such teachers will also be required to have the training.
This obviously hugely important to do.
It's a massive undertaking to train this many teachers in this amount of time, in addition to all the regular things we do PD in, in addition to the changes in the teacher evaluation, which is also requiring teacher and administrator training.I have yet to hear exactly how we're handling this; I'll update when I do!

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