Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Website presentation at CPPAC

...is going to be tech-free tonight, without the PowerPoint presentation.
Karen Norton is going to talk through what she was talking about.
Web people met with parents, students, principals, administration, EAW...compiled a wishlist.
The part that's up now is the main piece of it, but more will be added.
"worcesterschools.org" is the new address, "thought it was a bit more catchy"
Each school has their own site: ex: north.worcesterschools.org
School fusion is the system being used: "allows to share resources"
Principals can update their own sites, have passwords, 'though many haven't done much with it yet. Flagg Street (flagg.worcesterschools.org) has, updating calendar ('though I'm noticing that it is loading s-l-o-w-l-y).
Each site has some differences (between elementary and middle and high schools) in design.
Guidance section is being built now, college planning section. Announcements feature is working for all sites.
There's an archive of news and announcements, too.

On each site there's a staff directory link and a classroom link (as asked for by CPPAC).
Teachers can create a classroom website, if they choose.

Worcester education channel streaming online.

Right now, teachers are being given access to their sites (not mandated by contract, so it can't be mandated as yet, but offered).
Any group that wants to use space (CPPAC, PTO sites)

The website CAN do grades but will not do grades as yet.

Question on a community calendar added? Eventually.
How are we letting people know about this? There is administrative report.
Signed on with School Fusion in February, site up on August 31.
Is there a way of helping teachers who aren't as up-to-speed on technology? Two sections in the professional development catalog, not enough teachers to fill the second section.
Some of the computers in the schools just don't work. How can we help you make it work in the buildings? We got computers after the census last time...hmmm...the census is next year.

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