Thursday, October 15, 2009

Foley on the budget

says that "this only confirms that Ms. Hargrove is the smartest person in the room here tonight" (referring to her not running for re-election)
Jokes that he liked the earlier meetings "as at least then we had heat"

Stimulus dollars: that's why we did not have cuts last January (of $19 million)

Foley asks Allen:
For Fy10, how much are we spending on charters? $21 million goes to charters; $4 million of that comes from the state. $2.5 million for any new charter school in the city
charters would cripple the further

City contribution declined by $3.1 million (recalculation of spending, and recalculation of foundation)

Foley suggests that looking at the transportation contract (up for renewal next year)

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