Monday, November 17, 2008

New Education Secretary

Among the many things people are weighing in on through is the new Education Secretary. NCLB gave us all a good look at exactly how much power the federal government has (for good or ill) in our schools. The new federal Secretary of Education needs a good hard look as we move forward.

Among the names floated have been Joel Klein, who heads the New York City schools. For those who think this would be a disastrous appointment, you can sign a petition against that appointment.

There is also a petition supporting the appointment of Linda Darling-Hammond, who has served as an education advisor to President-elect Obama.

I wonder if Joanthan Kozol would do it?

I know that there are other names floating around; as I hear them, I'll post more. If you've got a thought on this, though, send it in! Let them hear it!

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