Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Board of Ed: IEP improvement update

 the presentation is here

Russell Johnston, Deputy Commissioner, is presenting alongside Jamie Camacho, Director of the Office of Special Education Planning and Policy Development
not just a new form, but providing support for families and districts
equal access; meaningful access both to curriculum frameworks and the life of the school
referral, evaluation, eligibility guidance (which is a new document); parent's guide (new update coming); systems improvement; IEP process guide (will be updated)
13 districts and 3 special education schools working to development a systems improvement playbook
more comprehensive model of support
engaging stakeholders: use stakeholder engagement to inform process as it went along
training, oversight, guidance provided by outside providers
public survey gave feedback on draft
many engagement sessions with parent and educator organizations, advocacy organizations
this winter will release finalized forms and tech specs
initial training for schools and districts in the spring through a vendor that recently did similar work in CT
districts can either adopt at the end of this school year or wait a full year; fall of 2024 as fully statewide adoption
Form to document process, not drive process; push on least restriction environment; integration of transition into IEP
New form puts student at the center and asks them what they see and what they want to be and see
"We want to hear from the children"
bring the focus on planning into the IEP
form last updated in 2001; no longer call students "limited English proficiency" students
strengths and needs of students who are dually identified as special education and an English learner
"what's the extent to which the student can participate in general education?"
asking about a shorter year "incentivizes a shorter year...we don't think many students actually do"
think we need to ask this question differently
middle ground between accepting the IEP and rejecting the IEP
What to make sure the state is being enacted
final will be clear about what the family is wanting to say in accepting/rejecting
will be sharing final versions as it comes forward
forms will be provided in translation by the Department "as they are now"

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