Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Closing remarks from school committee on budget hearing

Bogigian makes some promises:
"meaningful reform will take place; count on it. There's going to be major reform, there's going to major restructuring"
"I share your outrage, and I will continue to share it until we clear out people who don't belong in their jobs...earning extra high salaries"
He urges people to follow him, and he'll start "tomorrow night" (there's several items on the agenda for tomorrow night from Mr. Bogigian, among others)

O'Connell asks that Haller's comment be put on their review, and he has a number of motions around ELL, early childhood ed, special ed, and he mentions the items on the agenda for tomorrow night. He's asking that it be quick and thorough, and he mentions the backup from last night's City Council agenda that gave the salary numbers.

Foley closes with the mention that we have one city:"when one side is struggling, the city is struggling itself." Working with Manager to move forward.

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