Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cuts for next year

If you're tied in with a local school, you've undoubtedly heard something of what cuts are expected for next year if they don't close the deficit. Two cuts I hadn't heard before Ms. DelSignore's comments last night:

  • Currently, the city has one tech trainer for all of the Worcester public schools (that for 25,000 kids). Next year? None.
  • There are no elementary school librarians in the city. Next year? No middle school librarians.

Just those two examples show how ridiculous this all is. How on earth are we expecting our kids to be trained for the next century if we spent no money on technology or on the people to support it? And in an economy that is less and less about knowing information and more and more about knowing where to find information, what are we doing firing librarians, the masters of finding thing out?

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