Speaking: Behavioral and Mental Health Specialist Chris Pond
Student and Family Support Assistant Director Kristen McKinnon
Associate Commissioner Rachelle Engler Bennett
Chelsea Public Schools’ Social Work Department District Administrator Brenda Pena
Holliston Public Schools’ Director of Social Emotional Learning and Equity Jariel Vergne
McKinnon: work ongoing
how to support schools and districts to support the long term
working the sibling state agencies
continuing to do work with students, parents
Pond: many Department supports and resources
social emotional learning and student mental health grant
really look at multi-tiered systems of support
we lost the livestream for a bit here
Pena: youth mental health day
"Trails for Wellness" tier 1: comprehensive school mental health leadership time
importance of family partnerships
Rouhanifard: how funded?
Pena: through mental health grant, also all are licensed mental health workers
Moriarty: watched Chelsea taking a guiding and leading position
Chelsea Hub?
Pena: amazing work done together
"when there is a need, it is a very mighty district"
social workers have data tool
Moriarty speaking of the hurricane impacting Puerto Rico
Pena thanks him for bringing it up, as her family is there now without electricity
very impressed with Chelsea and the amount of resources and support for all in community
West: ESSER funding? Cliff?
Pena: not sure how to answer your question
How do we create it but also how do we sustain it?
Trying to find all of the funding resources available
Vergne: SEL mental health team in Holliston
identify gaps to see where they want to begin; look at SEL curriculum
"wherever we go, it will not be rushed"
speaks to need of students and our staff; if gets to point of staff calling for it, rollout goes a lot further
Working with And Still We Rise
have tools and feel comfortable engaging across racial, cultural, linguistic connections
dada dialogue process; local stakeholder group to assess data
"equity's not something schools can solve on their own"
"when we think about long-term sustainability" need to think beyond school by school
challenges in the field: mental health challenges, mental piece move to virtual spaces, how to pace priorities
think about solutions together, schools and communities
Stewart: students and parents in data dialogue?
Vergne: engaging in multiple ways, not only data, and creating a culture of that
West: structure of grant program?
seems really important to capture some of the lessons emerging to use them for additional funding or share others
Chuang notes money is very new
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