Thursday, September 15, 2011

TLSS standing committee report

cell phones: phones having a possible curricular use, now that they're smartphones
consulting with principals "who we trust will consult with teachers"
Gates Foundation grant: Literacy by Design grant not renewed next year
what can we thus take from it?
service learning: feasibility of requiring a service learning project at secondary level, also at elementary level, middle level, and Challenge and Reach Academies, alternative schools
five year comparison of trends in APs

City Solicitor needed for disciplinary hearings
"a very significant concern for those of us who watch this area closely"

Mayor O'Brien: historically, we used to hear a lot of hearings on the School Committee level
"as I understand it...(solictor) served as superintendent's Mulqueen is serving as that position"
Boone agrees that this is the case
"nothing against lawyers...many of the hearings we were getting on the School Committee were very cut and dry"
"my concern...seems to make sense to me to have someone like Mulqueen to do this"
done well "there are always lots of grey areas"
"someone who's a school be the decision maker"
requests clarification of what cases are appealable to the School Committee
Boone comments that Mulqueen seeks counsel from the City Solicitor as needed
court decision required "changes on how we affected some of our policies"
told cannot have a "one-size-fits-all consequence" for zero tolerance
new training for principals

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