Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tenth (apparently) community meeting: Flagg St. May 4

This was a much calmer meeting than one might have anticipated. I don't know if the parents are expecting they can head anything they don't like off later, if they feel they have a plan B, if it won't affect them, or what. Fairly full room, lots of parents left before the end.
Boone is purple, Mulqueen is blue, community (Doherty quadrant) is maroon.

Flagg St. community meeting : 6:10 and the room is at about capacity, out of seats
I see Mary Mullaney here; also Roberta Schaeffer (Research Bureau)

Mulqueen says he's getting out of a budget meeting; the superintendent will follow
"over the course of my nine meetings, I have learned something about starting off the meeting...you're going to have my most expert way of starting off the meeting"
"my inexperience in Worcester led me to headlong dive right into this [the bad news]"
"a lot of people hadn't been exposed to a lot of the data that had been accumulating over time...in my experience in other districts, I've been working extensively with communities so there aren't some surprises like that...I think here in Worcester we have some work to do around that...I need to take some time with you all to talk about where we are"
"since the introduction of NCLB, students have been judged by results...five level system in Massachusetts"
"Level 4 schools need some pretty intensive work"
"indicated that there would be 29 additional schools in Worcester that would be catagorized as Level 3 schools...I think maybe it was accidental that she did it [identified the number]...we're left hanging, we don't know what the schools are, we don't know more details than she shared"
"not just identified by that snapshot approach that states were using in the past...state is using a more sophisticated approach, looking at scores over time..coming along with different formulas that are helpful"
"more work to do around using test data with parents and teachers in terms of getting the word out...we have a lot of work to do there...I was thinking that you folks were tuned up already"
(BTW, I hate these new half cafeteria tables where there is no across the table. They seem really antisocial.)
"not all of our schools are catagorized as Level 4 or Level 3 schools...we have to have Level 1 or 2 schools..I can't tell you which schools are which so we can get on with the work for the schools that need it"
Market share "triggers some business terminology...new language since I was teaching, certainly...no other choices, no other options...now we have lots of other options...it's about choice. Choice is the new value in our society that people are really tuned into...issue that we have to contend with that we haven't had to in the past. Charter schools being introduced into the city will stream off students from the schools; that will hurt us...we have families...that can choose communities for different reasons"
[speaks of his son and the art high school]
"want to maintain our market share"
"this student result thing has really caught on...re-authorization of NCLB is coming up...one of those changes is that they are considering making entitlement money...competitive based upon your results"
"if you have to compete..rather than the needs you've identified in your district...that could be a hardship"
"I wouldn't be a kid these days for anything, particularly a teenager...they are learning things we never had to learn...they're competing for the global economy...I feel pretty bad for them, because they have a pretty big job ahead of them"
"as close to real time instructional changes as they can to improve instruction"
"the sun comes out on the next page"
"have substantial strengths in Worcester"
"today we know that no matter which decision, which path we go on, it takes a" lot to get there
"next page has generated a huge amount of contraversy and discussion...Worcester is very engaged in conversation about education, at least recently"
(you know, I'm getting a little tired of this "nothing happened until I got here" bit)
"conversation starter tonight"
"conversations that have taken place in the School Committee in the standing committee over years...have not been resolved, just keep being talked about...either need to take them off the table or not"
"to get feedback about them, to either clear them off the agenda or to get some further talking points for the community...to bring your anxiety level down that somehow that this is going to happen in September"
"no structural changes around grade level or some of these other things in September"
"I can tell you after nine meetings that somebody is going to say to me that you are going to do this or that...the next part will be...'but what about next September?' This is a beginning of conversation...many different forums for conversation..when the plan does come out, any suggested changes will be starting points for conversation...value a grassroots effort for changes in the district"
"trying to avoid surprise, trying to generate some urgency certainly around improvement, but" a beginning conversation
"I have trouble talking sometimes in a language that people can understand...that's Jeff-talk"
"we have strengths, we want to make them better...signature program in the district..doesn't mean every student must take advantage of the program...a strength there that can be developed...to have that kind of intense program avaliable...few towns that could offer that intense program for kids"
"if you think of all of these high schools around the city...kids would have things to choose from"
"here's the elephant in the room...reconfigure grade patterns...we don't have a plan for this"
"the idea was, what about all these different configurations? I've gotten a fairly steady stream of fairly negative reaction to reconfiguring our schools K-2, or K-8"
"I didn't say that it was 100%...some people who are less vocal in public meetings, so I know that there are some people who think" that different configurations are worth consideration
"there may be an outcome of this whole thing that is 'you know what, there are a whole bunch of parents who think that we might want to take a look at some of these plans'...or '..let's take it off the table' "
(he does a 'looking for agreement' sort of pause that teachers get told NOT to do..."we okay? you with me? does that make sense to everybody?")
[speaks of his own teaching: "vanilla across the whole district"]
"not enough to be a really good booklearner, have to be able to apply it across your life"
"increase opportunities for every student...the superintendent and I believe that we have to address the whole range of talent across the city...we think that there's a lot to do with that end of things, too...language development is another important issue for us to attend to"
"I'd like to take credit for them but I can't. They were on the agenda when I got here"
"my language didn't translate in Worcester as I'd hoped..."
"to think beyond whatever negative you can attach to extending the school day"
"real life application of learning...to explore what students might want to learn as a career option..to get them exposed to lots of things, so that when they get to college, you don't experience a child coming home" having changed their minds during junior year in college "after 60,000"
"so that when they do commit, it will play out in a successful way for them"
"don't have a real coordinated effort" on partnerships..."might be able to stretch the day in new ways"
(note, BTW, that he has received no interruptions thus far, which has not often happened)
"part of that might be a lower class sizes across the district...we could have class sizes about 21...we fluxuate about 14 and 30 in terms of class size...if we were to take advantage of shifting some of the students and reconfigure the class size...could have a value if you value class size over neighborhood schools...sense I get is people have a higher value for neighborhood schools over class size"
"partnerships are the only way we can bring our work to scale...lots of learning occasions that we might like to take advantage of"
"see, I don't think I know everything, and the superintendent knows that she doesn't know everything..but we can come up with some ideas for Worcester that might make sense for Worcester"
references the survey, if it's a bad question, tell him

Question:"outside of all of this, is there an opportunity to hire more teachers or aides" for Level 4 schools to lower class sizes?
some limitations are actual numbers of classrooms in buildings
"our highest value is around the teacher...highest value is the teacher" (how does this jive with parent being most important?) teacher, student, curriculum
"I just came from a budget meeting, maybe upper twenties as a general max...this way was just one way"
Dr. Boone just came in

Question:"has there been any consideration to doing half grades? 2 1/2 or 3 1/2...can get what they need before they fully move on?"
suggests that she write it down
"I'm for breaking through the traditional structures to serve the students...I'm up for those kinds of ideas"

Roberta Schaefer: "why not think in terms of the structure for different kinds of kids?...need longer school day for Level 4 schools, not for everyone...since the issue of money just came up about teachers...why are we talking about putting down opportunities when you may be raising expectations that you can't meet...for parents, I can provide opportunities for my kids, rather than throwing this out for everybody to talk about, rather than throwing it out for everyone to talk about...mixing apples and oranges...various kinds of kids in the district, can't afford choices"
Mulqueen: "not knowing who is who, presenting all these options, and based on feedback...getting general flow"
on money: "I was talking, I think, about using current resources..shift some resources to do it...there may be a way of shifting some of the resources to do it"

Question: "one thing that concerns me is you are talking about numbers next year...'upper twenties and that's reasonable." Upper twenties is not reasonable. Sharing an aide" (applause)
Mulqueen: when I see what towns are thinking of, thirties and up, reasonable for what is going on right now. "what's reasonable given our context"
(he's twice referenced $17 million cut out of the budget...I don't know where that number is coming from)
"things are tough, things are tough in the classroom..central office for support role for school improvement...I agree with you, I think we should have very low class sizes...how do we preserve a comprehensive school system...a careful balance"

Question: "I don't see anything here about the special education students...a lot of great ideas and you did a great job selling them...realistically, if you aren't meeting the needs of students" how can you do both?
Mulqueen:"cuts that are driven by student load...differences in those two things...looking at the need for the teacher as a target for that cut"
partners providing things outside..."wouldn't be a way for me to trade that in to get more...math assistance...way of augmenting what we have...not in competition with it"
parent says "not adding to...just keeping what they have here"
(there's a concern here at Flagg, as one of their two special ed teachers are slated to be moved next year, due to the number of kids that teacher is carrying, compared to the rest of the district. It's an equality issue. We've been getting emails about it.)
(Brian O'Connell is here, as is Dianna Biancheria)

Question: is there a chance that we could get a non-special ed teacher back?
Mulqueen: two separate areas: class size a trigger, that would cause a teacher to be added
"when we look at class size across the district...considered regularly...sometimes we can't afford it, but that doesn't mean we don't look at it regularly"

Question: when are we getting Level 3 schools and how will we know? What about Level 3 schools and next year?
Mulqueen: Level 4 schools, changes are happening right away (first stakeholder meeting is from 12-4 at Worcester Tech), plan goes to superintendent, then to SC, then to commissioner
We don't have a list that has come out, and we don't know when it will come out. "I'm not encouraged by the way the Level 4 schools come out...I've learned from that experience not to hold my breath. It will come when it comes."
"Level 3 schools, we'll have things the next year...we're not going to wait...funds...here's the hitch...four models"
"in order to access funds, we would have to choose one of those four models"
"in order to be safe as a principal, you'd have to be in a position for two years or less"
"innovation schools planning funds...not having to connect to a particular model of school improvement"

"certainly agree with what you've said with planning for students to get ready to compete for 21st century...European system far superior to ours...so much emphasis on the score, the score..taking away time from students for students to become well versed as they prepare" (applause)
Mulqueen: "yes you're right, I agree..what we'd like to see..that creativity of teachers really coming back to the classroom...we have to get back to some of those really great practices...we may have taken a side step in terms of what is important to the whole child and get back to that...you won't hear from me that we should be doing lots of test prep in the classroom...I don't think we have to be so focused on a narrow slice of what we have to do"

Comment: more afterschool programs for kids, and a variety of them
(is it possible that Flagg St's cafeteria doesn't have a clock? Or an American flag?)

Question: "it takes resources, and you're cutting teachers. How will you do it?"
Mulqueen: "we can offer things that you don't currently offer students" (partners) "we could look for restreaming resources..not saying we could offer everything to everybody,..but may be some opportunities to offer more choice"
Question: who are the partners?
Colleges, cultural arts, businesses

Question: can you point to any districts similar to ours that have done reconfiguration and how it has worked?
Mulqueen: can't point to any particular...not to look at which ones are successful in the community that it's in..but what would work here
Question: that information would be improving our thought process
Mulqueen: next step

Question: "I think it's difficult at least for me to say without that information...If you can do it better for cheaper, sure, even if I have to pick up at three schools...but if it's just gonna be one of those, let's throw a dart...I can't do it. I have no information."
Mulqueen: "conversation starter...doesn't mean that 'you said'...not what we're going to be doing...If you check off 'gee, I would be curious about reconfiguration' I would be coming back with more information" (note: that is NOT what the survey says. It says 'I am in favor of')

statement: "we don't have your expertise..I would feel more comfortable in the school system if you and Dr. Boone would come to us and say that this is what we've looked..have no confidence in the Worcester Public Schools right now, if you're just throwing these out there.."
(Dr. Boone just walked to the front)
Mulqueen: "open the door to some conversation"
hands mic to Dr. Boone: "thank everyone for coming out tonight..sharing your thoughts, your questions and your concerns...pushing on our thinking...but without the front end input, it's simply our plan, someone else's plan..tease out thinking of the community...how can we go from a good school system to a great school system..asked people what works for you" (cites CPPAC roundtable again)
what are your priorities?
"to come back and fully vet, for whatever sessions of schools, then we can talk about the values we learn from these sessions, every value is going to be used to frame and shape this work"
"what we are going to be doing ...establish a parent and community survey...we needed to know what questions to ask..an email link..help us use this...plan is in mid-to-late September to come back to the community"
(note it's now 7:30. A few parents are leaving.)
"our community only gets strong if we are all part of it...then the community owns what happens with the schools and their success"
Comment: "I'd really like to thank you for the opportunity to fill out the survey...shows a philosophical change in the administration..what is on with teachers and principals to buy in?"
Mulqueen: "want to get there with our staff...meeting principals regularly...breakfast four mornings a week, I have Fridays off...Fridays off from breakfast..." catches himself ("Oh, that would be a good one, Mulqueen has Fridays off; look at that contract!")
someone will be meeting with teachers at schools

Teacher comment: "concern...if that is our goal, then I think that this is a phenomial beginning. If our goal is to raise test scores, then I don't see how we're going to get there..." (applause)
Mulqueen: "I think you hit it on the head. Teachers and principals have an incredible job ahead of them, and I get that. To look across the various states and see that there are states that have our challenges and are doing better than we are."
(note: if this is comparision by number of kids passing a state test, the MCAS is probably the hardest test in the country. Not comparing the same things.)
"how can we apply our good thinking...for too long haven't been able to express their creative ideas"

Questions: "ideas around partnership...there are several things I've seen fully fleshed out in the system...a very robust program of magnet program in the city when we moved here. Do we have data on that? Worcester one of the first school to career partnership...at one time, 20 was the class size, schools were built...so many of these things, I'm surprised that these are things on the table. I hope that any data that the system has is made avaliable to us..we need some base from which to work from."
Mulqueen: "grew up in Gardner.In recent conversation with principals...we sort of have been de-magnetized." Technology school with no workable computers...have to strengthen them...some aren't brand new ideas...some pockets of excellence..not really well-coordinated across the city
Boone: "for all of the value of the programs that we've had, we've not taken the approach of evaluating the programs that we've had...so that when we've had budget cuts" we've cut those "I've never judge my predicessors, who led in the context of their day...get to a point where we can barely meet bases" (I'm not as sure about that...I think that if we ask around, we might find some of that data. The previous full time superintendent was known as a data czar.)
"creating efficiencies"
(7:47: parents are leaving)
"using data to drive decisions that we make on a regular basis...if we've invested in particular programs, how do we know that they are working.."
"a lot of what we have is anecdotal"

Follow-up question: "I think it's fabulous..you've just listed a lot things that people think are important...are those numbers avaliable? Is there a place that we can look at?"
Boone says we can make it avaliable
"a firm believer that special education students should have access to the curriculum at a level where they can be successful"

Comment: "with all due respect with all that, decreasing support and increasing class size" will hurt that. "really behooves that how we place in the best way how we place those special support"
Boone "work to make sure you can look at the data" over time
And that is it! Things to keep an eye out for:
  1. That survey that should follow this up
  2. (for North quadrant) a Worcester East Middle meeting
  3. more South meetings around innovation
  4. more Level 4 meetings

And if your concerns are budgetary, let me point out again that 7 pm, next Wednesday (May 12) at City Hall is your best bet!


  1. Here were some of my personal favorites from Mulqueen:

    "I wouldn't be a kid today for anything. They are learning things that you and I never had to learn. I feel pretty bad for them because they have a big job ahead of them."

    "I have trouble talking sometimes in a language that people can understand."

    "My language didn't translate to Worcester as I had hoped."

    "I used my language and it takes time to explain it."

    "Sometimes we can't afford it, but that doesn't mean we don't think about it."

  2. Not only do hardly any of the clocks actually function at Flagg Street, (though there is a flag somewhere on the stage), there isn't actually a cafeteria. The children eat lunch at their desks and that room, the All Purpose Room, is used for gym.

  3. Here are my thoughts on why it was calmer. A lot of those parents and teachers (at least the ones from Flagg) were already at the Doherty meeting so they were somewhat familiar with the presentation. I think Flagg parents HOPE that the school won't be affected (in a negative way) by some of these proposed changes...like extended day and reconfigured grade levels. I don't know if many of us really believe anyone is listening to us anyway. The parents I spoke to found Mulqueen extremely condescending.... he'll forward our emails to his secretary who will type them up for him. COME ON! We are losing a teacher who is an integral part of our school community, who has been integral in working with so many of our students and Mulqueen has a secretary to read his emails for him???!!! Also, he doesn't really have time to visit the 44 schools but in the fall, he's going to have more staff, his staff will get there???!!!

    I think a lot of the parents would like to see change. Of course we would. I think a lot of us have very little faith in Worcester Public Schools and we know the money isn't there either. At the same time those parents that were there work hard, on their own time, every day to try to make that school and WPS better for kids. We are active in our school and greater community but it often (Like Tonight) feels like a losing battle.

    I mean there were people and teachers with tears in their eyes at the meeting because of the state of our schools. Does anyone see that? How should we register that on a survey?

  4. I just wish there was someone on the education side who had more than 2 years experience working at DAB. You are correct that JC had data to back up program decisions. Most of the data was examined in-house. At one point we paid an outside evaluator to examine our two most costly elementary interventions, Success for All (SFA) and Reading Recovery. The SFA report showed that this program was not not effective and that RR was highly effective. Dr. Boone's response that "a lot of what we have is anecdotal" is not correct. Perhaps they should take some time to go through the files in their offices---hopefully Dr. Loughlin did not have all of the old files destroyed. Also, thank you for your comment regarding Mulqueen's hubris in thinking nothing happened in Worcester prior to his arrival. I know I have said this repeatedly, but this administration wanted nothing to do with the former admin, never met with Drs. Mills or Caradonio to get a status update, and have all their info from Dr. Loughlin who worked in the system for one year after an almost 10 year hiatus. I really want to contact my former colleagues to write an "As I See It" for the Telegram to insure the public that we actually did work when we were employed at DAB. I only wish we had someone like you documenting meetings. You are providing the residents of Worcester with a great historical account of these meetings.

  5. Also, interesting that Dr Boone managed to show up, once again, for a west-side audience. It will be interesting to see if she is at Worcester East Middle.

  6. is past prologue? does it really matter if data was analyzed in the past if no one knows what to do with it now? is there an independent group with deep pockets who could purchase a data dump and mine what is there or is it time to let Drs Boone & MUlqueen do their job?

  7. T-traveler, my point is the district has paid independent organizations to analyze very recent data yet no one is taking time to read the reports and are stating that the previous administration never analyzed data. Sorry, but it is my rep on the line and I am getting a little tired of these folks basically saying nothing was done before they all rode into town.


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