Tuesday, January 5, 2010


DelSignore: passing of Ed Reform and how that will impact collective bargaining?
support to have more discussion only
state's final application has not been shared
teachers need to sit on committees to share what they think ought to happen
no state formula for what is a Level 4 or 5 school is
many unanswered questions
variable amount of money that could come to the city
union votes on MONDAY: 5-6:15 at Forest Grove
teacher certification issues


  1. Did anyone even mention the draft that DESE submitted to the Board of Education last month which outlines level 4 schools?


    With 90 schools to be identified at levels levels 4 and 5, WPS will surely have schools.

  2. all the other unions in the school system do not get a cahnce to sign or vote on the mou. Will they be brought to the table before the application is submitted. Will they be brought to the table as Ms. Delsignnore was? Is there an ongoing role for them?

  3. There's nothing on that, T. Do you have a thought on who would be most impacted by this?


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