Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not-so-liveblog: presentation on MOU

Superintendent Boone:
"working diligently to find answers to the questions" sent in by School Committee
"an opportunity for the district to garner some funds" to meet requirements
can accellerate that progress through "focused professional development"
Dr. Mulqueen doing the presentation (as this was originally sent to the Curriculum subcom)
"A Call to Leadership and Partnership" is the subtitle
"a new alignment of leaders"bringing teachers, admin, city together to make improvements
flow chart of process map: emphasis on pulling out on during process (not now, which is an option)
"A lot of the questions around detail will come out after the MOU is signed"
"school improvement is not an option" (changed to "not optional")
signing MOU allows to submit an application to the DESE

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