Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This has nothing to do with education

...but I don't see another laptop in the chamber.
Germaine is holding the charter change item, on what happens if a district councilor leaves midway through a term, under personal privilege.
Eddy is speaking on the item, anyway, but it's officially off the table until next week.
He points out that running for at-large and school committee is significantly different than running for district councilor.

It will be the first item next week.


  1. The only difference in running for district councilor is that there's usually no opposition and that incumbents win by landslides (cf. Clancy). I'm sure he's a lovely man, but Bill Eddy can bite me.

    Santa Claus for District 5 Councilor!

  2. The example Councilor Eddy keeps citing is his own: there were four write-in votes in District 5, two each for two people.

    (I don't believe any were cast for Santa Claus, but I could be mistaken.)

  3. I thought at a previous council meeting, they said that Santa was one of them.

    I know that I voted "None of the Above" and my husband voted "Bozo T. Clown", which tells you that we need to coordinate the voting techniques in our household.


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