Thursday, November 26, 2009

Robert M. Hughes Academy under investigation

(for a second time)

The Boston Globe is reporting that the Robert M. Hughes Academy, a Springfield charter school, is under investigation:
...yesterday, the state announced that it has launched a formal investigation into possible irregularities in the school’s administration of the exam, as well as additional allegations of mismanagement and fiscal improprieties that have subsequently surfaced.

In addition to a great deal of pressure being placed on the principal to pull up MCAS scores, it seems there is some investigation into conflicts of interest and financial mismanagement. The school has also had a shocking rate of turnover. Charter schools do not have the same degree of checks and balances built in that the traditional public system does (anyone know if charter schools' boards sign warrants to pay bills? is the charter board subject to open meeting law?), making the principal's remark compelling:
“The kids will never get what they need when these people have their hands in the pot,’’ Henry said in an interview yesterday. “Their corruption needs to end.’’

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