Wednesday, February 21, 2024

how do we make sure it can't happen here: on Nex Benedict

Content warning: death of a trans student 

MTA button and sticker read "Protect Trans Kids" on a trans flag

I've been profoundly disturbed by the death of Nex Benedict since I heard of it. 

As noted by many, it's impossible to separate their death from the adults making policy not only in Oklahoma, but across the country. Oklahoma's state superintendent is Ryan Walters, who has been making life less safe for students like Nex in a myriad of ways since assuming office. Most recently, he put the "Libs of Tik-Tok" creator Chaya Raichik on the state library committee. He has not spoken about the death of Nex Benedict. Nex was using the girls' restroom due to a 2022 state law passed in Oklahoma requiring that students use the restroom of their assigned sex at birth; schools that don't follow the law lost 5% of their state funding. The Washington Post notes that more than 50 anti-LGBTQIA laws have been proposed in Oklahoma this year, more than any other state. 

The Post also writes: 

A hotline run by the Indianapolis-based Rainbow Youth Project received 237 calls from Oklahoma over the weekend, founder Lance Preston said, nearly three times what it logs in an average week. Two-thirds of the callers mentioned Nex’s death. More than 80 percent said they were victims of bullying at school or on social media.

I would assume that it isn't only Oklahoma, as this hatred of trans youth is endemic across the country. The Trans Legislation tracker reports that 41 states have 457 active anti-trans bills.

And yes, my fellow Bay Staters, that includes Massachusetts, where a bill presented at the request of a constituent by Rep. DeCoste, and co-sponsored by Reps Mattes, Garry, Pease, McKenna and Senator O'Connor is a so-called 'parental rights' bill. 

While the chances of that seeing the light of day are slim, the 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Mental Health from the Trevor Project: Massachusetts found that 32% of those responding in Massachusetts had experienced threat or harm based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, and 67% reported they had experienced discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. And of those surveyed in Massachusetts: 

Any adult who knows and loves a queer kid is worried again today for them.
Count me among them.
Being silent and pretending that it isn't a factor here (wherever here is) isn't good enough.
Nex deserved better than this. So do all our kids.

If you're a youth who needs support, please know about the Trevor Project. The Rainbow Youth Project can be reached here. If you're an ally looking for resources, Trans Youth Equality can be found here. If you're in central Mass, check out Safe Homes
If you know of resources I should include here, let me know.
If you're a queer kid reading this: Please know how many adults are glad you're here and want you to have a joyous, safe adult life. 

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