Tuesday, October 24, 2023

October Board of Ed: Commissioner's goals

 with some info

focused on three strategic objectives: 

  1. whole student
  2. deeper learning
  3. diverse and effective workforce
presentation for further discussion
under 1: health framework; chronic absenteeism; safe and supportive school environments; mental health and well being; family engagement
under 2: high quality instructional materials; approach to early literacy; high dosage tutoring in math and literacy; math programming; acceleration academies; support English learners; students with limited or interrupted education; deeper learning; high quality pathways (innovation, Ch. 74, early college)

Plus supporting newly arrived students; technical assistance; Boston systemic improvement plan; stakeholder feedback into accountability review; education to career research and data hub; new science assessment; new civics assessment; new 3 year SOA plan; evidence based programs

Riley notes Hills had suggested selection of 3 or so "power goals"
Hills: agrees
Hills: Board needs to buy in; Board needs to vote
"so we need to know at the end of the year" that this is what was decided
"this isn't about holding the Department accountable; this is about okay, what worked what didn't"

Mohamed: setting goals should include how we know in the middle of the year if you're making progress or if there's a midcourse correction that's needed
Some way to know, to have three or four or five things so we have a snapshot
how are we doing, what needs to be resourced differently
Riley: to do three or four things well
Department has a more "robust" system

Stewart: really pleased to see students at the center
and the way that family engagement is talked about
see it becoming more and more embedded in the work
understanding of culture and community of Department
helps to frame some of these goals

West: liked all of the content in there
missing last stage of the logic model: outcomes trying to impact at the end of the day
identify as priorities to see if we're on track to get done what we want to get done this year

Hills: less about specific strategies, more about if we're addressing the right goals
"would be kind of dangerous" to have the Board picking them apart
can't see goals apart from the budget: resources to meet need

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