Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Governor Healey appoints a new member of the Board of Ed

 and I have, as the kids would say, "no chill" on this one, as I know her personally. 

Professor Fisher talking with Secretary Tutwiler during a break in today's meeting
Governor Healey, on the recommendation of Secretary of Education Patrick Tutwiler, appointed Professor Ericka Fisher of Worcester to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. She is starting her term today.

Professor Fisher is the chair of the education department at College of the Holy Cross. Her areas of specialization are urban education, social justice, and social emotional learning. She is a Worcester Public Schools (Doherty) graduate, a Holy Cross graduate, and the mother of two WPS alums. She is a Black woman who is also Wampanoag. She literally wrote a book on Burncoat High School. 

She replaces Tricia Canavan.

Professor Fisher served on the ad-hoc committee that I chaired looking at creating an exam school in Worcester. She is smart, savvy, thoughtful. She's a good friend, and one of the people I trust on education policy. I cannot tell you how much I think that this is an amazing choice. 

You can read Governor Healey's press release about Professor Fisher here.

1 comment:

  1. Am I correct in my understanding that she is also the only member from Worcester and the nearby towns? Representation matters!


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