Tuesday, January 24, 2023

January meeting of the Board of Ed: opening comments

 The agenda is here; the livestream is here.

Public comment 
usual comment on department setting low standards
MBAE being dissatisifed by SOA reporting from districts
MTA Vice President Deb McCarthy discussing impact of "not being a good test taker"
MTA Noah Berger who is talking about Tom Birmingham to testify on how inflation is calculated (!!) and recommending that it be actual

English teacher from Codman Academy charter school speaking in favor of the dual path target plan
"I dream of a Massachusetts that leads with a holistic view of student achievement"
focusing only on a single point leaves all the other types of recovery out

MASS panel: Revere, Salem, Billerica, and Everett
Dianne Kelly, Revere: understand that there has been criticism of the proposal
notes that the Secretary was testifying as a superintendent nine months ago
represent superintendents from across the Commonwealth, and notes that a number are there in support
"not hear to condemn accountability"
need accountability that is "not only aggressive but achievable and compassionate"
Steve Zrike who was the receiver in Holyoke and now superintendent in Salem
significant inflection point in public education
"in Salem alone unhoused students has grown by 30% this year alone"
cannot disregard the larger challenges of our multilingual learners
notes that after a "love affair" with educators at the beginning of the pandemic, atmosphere now toxic
teachers leaving profession
Priya Tahiliani, Everett: notes levels of instructional interruptions and aftershocks
must overcome the mammoth opportunity gaps that have also widened
notes SOA was opportunity and support from the beginning
notes bringing students back, adding night school
"unfortunately these successes will not be captured in our accountability"
trainings to support physical and mental wellness; mediation
"I have every confidence that these successes will lead to long term gains, but unfortunately, they will not be captured in next year's accountability"
Tim Piwowar, Billerica (and MASS president): "it was with great dismay that I heard" the Board's discussion of the accountability system
"equally if not further behind in social and emotional development"
Grave concern with setting higher targets in MCAS
Urge Board to consider:
"the reality on the ground is all about accountability and the only incentive is to avoid them"
ask Board to demonstrate the same compassion we demonstrate each day to our students
Mary Bourque: ask to support Board's plan

Jason DeFalco, superintendent Blackstone-Millville: speaking as former co-chair of the AAAC
very concerning that the target setting shared was deemed not aggressive enough
believes Board should take feedback of AAAC
last thing districts need are goals there are set that are unattainable

Craven talks about Tom Birmingham

Secretary Pat Tutwiler: says it's day twelve "maybe" in his role
drive each day: "equity"
Says he "has hit the ground learning"

Commissioner introduces new early college person
read with concern about "teachers not being paid on time"
(That isn't what the article said at all)
Craven: is there an opportunity to amend the MOU?
will be talking to legal counsel


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