Thursday, September 15, 2022

A few notes from tonight's Worcester School Committee meeting

As always: my perspective and this doesn't include everything. Please enjoy the nice view that was outside my window, which you couldn't see because it would throw the lighting off:

Tonight's Report of the Superintendent was priorities and strategies as part of Dr. Monárrez's entry plan: what is it that is being worked on this year? If you remember Dr. Monárrez's entry plan, this is part of Chapter 2, Listening to learn. 

I'll link to the presentation once we have the updated version we saw tonight. The following is from my notes, so please forgive anything left out or unclear--my error, no doubt.

In every case, there is an organizational priority area--the what--followed by the strategy--the how--and the deliverable--the thing we're going to see at the end.

  1. Workforce pipeline development: to diversify the workforce at all levels
    This will be done by a stakeholder workgroup to create a "WPS Criteria & Model for Pipeline Development" by June of 2023
  2. Clarify onboarding--to have a standard of practice guidebook for support of new employees
    This will be developed collaboratively for next June
  3. Student information system--to develop standard operating practice for all those who use it
    This will be created by end users and will include a coaching model for the new student information system also by next June
  4. Family and community engagement--to create a framework including a model for implementation across the district 
    This will be created by a diverse group of stakeholders again by the end of the year
  5. Building safety--there's already a safety audit, but this will be the creation of protocols and procedures for a safety handbook
    "we need to practice" emergency response
  6. Instructional leadership--the creation of a supervision system guidebook for modeling of feedback and coaching of employees
    This will largely be created through the principal meetings
  7. College and career readiness--creating an action plan for implementing the portrait of a graduate
  8.  High quality teaching and learning through the multitiered system of support--a committee will review the current framework for high quality teaching and learning and develop a plan for implementation
  9. Comprehensive wellness plan (3 year)--a diverse stakeholder team to design a three year wellness services and supports plan
each priority will be backward mapped to get to the end point, and there will be monthly progress monitoring in administration
there is also an intent to increase the scope of college and career, including ch. 74, career tech, early college, innovation pathways, four year graduation monitoring and post-secondary outcomes
the plan also is to create an "academic support" division within administration to include oversight of behavioral, family and community, alternative programs, special ed, and nursing
there will also be a recommendation for a positive youth development position, and a family and community engagement position

Note that among the items being considered in Governance at this time is a proposed revision to the dress code. See the proposed language here.
Among the items currently in Finance and Operations is a recommendation from administration that the next round of replacement buses--13 come off of lease this year--be propane, with a single electric bus pilot, due to questions of climate, topography, and infrastructure at this time. Also, administration has asked that if there is to be a policy change (like a change in start time or walk zone) by the Committee that would require additional buses, that it be done in the next month to allow sufficient lead time to order additional buses. 

We had a report back on security guards, from which Vice Chair Johnson asked for clarification if they're included in the security audit--they are--and that we receive a report back prior to a third year renewal on the contract with the firm that staffs them.

The draft MOU between the Worcester Public Schools and the Worcester Police Department was brought in for review and advisement (the Committee does not vote this). The Safety Task Force has also reviewed and given feedback, which Dr. Monárrez said she would also be incorporating in review, along with input from the Committee. There was also some public comment at the meeting, much of which flagged concerns of the adherence to the MGL regarding school resource officers (personal perspective: the liaisons meet the definition of a school resource officer under the section of the law, even as the liaison is a very different model, which I think is really important) in particular with regard to student safety and rights, to which there was general agreement from the Committee. On Vice Chair Johnson's motion, the item was held for reporting back after that further review; on my motion, the Committee also agreed, after agreement from Dr. Monárrez that this would be welcomed, to hire a civil rights attorney to review the proposed MOU, as well. 

Those are the highlights! 

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