Tuesday, June 22, 2021

June Board of Ed opening comments

 The agenda is here. The livestream will come up here. 

Public comment
vocational schools: retain doubt that changes in vocational admission changes will make changes needed
data tells a story: admission criteria drives inequitable outcomes
grants stakeholders that don't believe this exist the responsibility of changing it
what admission outcomes need to be fixed? what outcomes are fair? which outcomes necessitate a lottery?

COVID: parent and son
don't believe guidance is enough to ensure students will have next fall 
wants Commissioner to tell districts that they "cannot require masks"
"we cannot allow these types of arbitrary measures"
districts need to be told masks "will not be permitted under circumstances"
parents "have had rights striped from us this year"
says we have learned masks harm children's health (this is not true)
"what is the point of having guidance" if districts don't have to follow it
"something beautiful" has come out of this school year; "parents have united"
"we will not go away until we are assured this will not happen again to our children"
parent and speech and language pathologist: who is noting that facial expressions matter in communications
pulled her child out of public school 
"all data demonstrates that" new variants are no more severe in symptoms (this is not true either)
"can allow no interpretation of your regulations"
another: "no evidence of mask evidence up to this point"
"check out the email; there's a lot of interesting stuff"
there was a whole lot of conspiracy stuff in there, which wow
"stop lying"
parent: no longer a need for masks in the classroom
"we need to respect our children"
concerned over children wearing masks during gymnastics

vocational education: 
Lawrence SC member: historically marginalized communities left out
discriminatory policy bears great consequences "if we are to live up to our standards of equity and racial justice in education"
disparities between Greater Lawrence and Lawrence High
relates own family experience
expanding admission process: will pay dividends for Massachusetts
address shortcomings in admissions policy; amend proposed regulations
staff attorney for Law in Education: Department has failed to articulate the meaning of the civil rights standards
eliminate unnecessary barriers 
submitted comments were not included initially
mischaracterized coalition's lead comment: disportionately criteria are prohibited unless required for participation and something else cannot be used
summary was not accurate
sum of all students in sending districts
Department will look at after the fact data
Department failed to respond to other proposals including rank order
has not address what should be submitted; attesting rather than demonstrating
implore not to approve as they stand unless and until the Coalition's proposals are adopted

comment that advanced students need more attention
should reflect on Commissioner's evaluation

Chair Craven: thank you to the Board and the teachers, students, principals
"this has been a real up and down year since March of 2020"
Jasper's last meeting; weren't able to get to Billerica today, thanks for service
Coughlin comments that it's his first meeting getting to the Department without GPS

Morton: on evaluation of Commissioner
met four times to craft evaluation: spoke to many in the community, the Department
words that identify: available, accessible, approachable, active...
conclusions: commended for strong and effective leadership
"tremendous support, courage, and boldness"
was commended for accessibility
recommending that he continue to meet with stakeholders as much as possible 
work in other areas
encouraged to lean "more heavily on his very talented team"
to work with stakeholders in setting priorities
"work with others to reimagine education in the Commonwealth"
"acknowledge the stellar performance in one of the nation's most difficult time"
4.75 on a 5 point scale
compensation a future determination
someone just boo'd and made comments that I couldn't hear
Craven: spoke with Chair of Higher Ed and have similar questions on compensation in line with Commonwealth's leadership
no comments from Board

Teacher diversification: 
Fernández: key areas and opportunities
update on emergency licensure continuing through next school year
monitoring what is being seen in outcomes; focus on dramatic increase in representation of who is on the emergency licensure
"unintended positive consequence"
Vendor under review to evaluate MTEL pilots; has been identified for years
bill on teacher diversity
policies that could be part of the solutions to removing obstacles to educators of color
ESSER funds in support of educator diversity in their districts

Craven: work of DESE and Higher Ed: work on early college

Peyser: Commissioner's annual review
had chance to observe up close during this 
"his job was a 24/7 job before this happened"
balance of education and public health side
COVID testing program
policies "to create the flexibility in the field" that allowed districts to operate "under truly unprecented circumstances"

someone else just made comments which I couldn't hear
Craven noted there already was public comment and will need to make change to public if it continues
she's now into a back and forth with the person

Riley: masking encouraged but not required
no restrictions at this time for fall
if there are changes, will work for DPH
Craven: local board of health have relationship; who does DPH work with local boards?
Riley: in constant communication
Rouhanifard: calling out decision to reopen schools
was very critical on reopening schools being delayed
"history looks kindly on that decision"
talks about parents in his own district talking approvingly about this
Rouhanifard asks about Boston (which is not on the agenda)
Riley: concern over turnover on Committee: team may talk about temporarily freezing ESSER II and III
Fair to question if "such a diminished board" could make such a substantial decision

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