Tuesday, June 30, 2020

State education budget update

Bill Bell
last day in fiscal year '20
obviously big question is what next year will look like
$5.25B spending authority signed last week: continuing budget
continue to run programs at level funded maintenance level
DoR: guidance sent out to communities that initial Ch. 70 payments based on FY20
"what you received in your payments last July is what a community could expect to receive starting tomorrow"
charter school and school choice instead based on June 2020
"think the big thing we're hearing on [FY21] is everyone needs to have a better idea of where we'll be on FY21"
includes income taxes due in 16 days, "as well as any further revenue support from federal government"
ESSER grant: $214M: $194M grants to districts based on Title I
$20M for DESE to fill gaps
in process of additional sources of funding: $200 plus million school focused COVID-19 relief fund
allocated on per-student basis of $225/pupil from foundation enrollment in House 2
Includes charter schools

Craven: broadband is another issue on the technology issue
Bell: Department has been working on
Moriarty, also bring in Department of Housing

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