Monday, March 30, 2020

Now with error bars

xkcd 2281: Coronavirus research
There's something slightly melodramatic in the middle of pandemic about noting that you, yourself, are sick--not dramatically so, just feeling terrible and tracking Tylenol level of sick.
Nonetheless, the call back from my doctor on Friday was "act as though you have it," so that is what I am doing. Testing is limited enough that I, without pre-existing conditions, without anyone at high risk in my immediate family, and not being a first responder, will not be tested.

You can imagine what that looks like multiplied across a city and a state and a country, incidentally.

I have gone no farther than my backyard in over a week; I haven't been in a group in two and a half weeks. My family is fine, thus far.
If you are wondering about yourself, let me recommend this symptoms checker for COVID which gives you an idea of when you should call the doctor. The public health nurses, for those in Worcester, are also quite helpful (508-799-1019, M-F, 9-4).

Stay home. Rest up. Take care of each other. Give blood. Advocate for those most likely to be harmed from this.
Choose better leadership.

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