Tuesday, October 8, 2019

On spending over required

One of the "don't panic" messages from the deliberation on the Student Opportunity Act has been to note that the statewide average for districts is spending 130% over foundation.
I thought an illustration of actual dollars might be useful.
Remember, FY18 is the last completed fiscal year we have information on (district reports on FY19 were due to DESE last week; we usually see those numbers in January).
In FY18, when the foundation budget spreadsheets came out, here's what the state committed to spending in Chapter 70 and what it required districts to spend in turn:
So the blue is the state Ch. 70 aid; the yellow is what the state said districts had to spend from local sources.

Now we've said at length that many districts basically pay no attention to this: they know how much they need to spend to do what they need to for their kids, and they pass budgets that attempt to do that. So here's what the districts actually spent: 
I know the difference between the two yellow sections can be hard to see, so here's the comparison next to each other: 
That's a $2.3 billion--yes, with a B!--difference between required and actual! 

So while the state is requiring higher levels of spending, in many--most, I'd venture--places, it isn't going to be the massive increase it looks like, because of how much districts are ALREADY spending over. 

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