Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Governor Baker says "Wait til next year" on school funding

Yes, really. From State House News:
In an interview with WGBH’s Joe Mathieu that aired Monday, Baker said he believes the Legislature is working “in good faith,” but that making changes to the state's foundation budget formula is a significant challenge.
“I do believe that there will be an Education 2.0 bill during this legislative session,” Baker said in the interview. "I don’t know if it will be by the end of this calendar year or by the end of the session. For purposes of the next school year, which starts a year from now, I think there will be a bill in place and I think it will basically address most of the issues that people have been talking about."
 If indeed an ed funding bill doesn't come out until January, we of course end up with the same race against the budget that we had this year, and thus the chances of it making any difference for FY21, as for FY20, become that much less.

Also, notice the language Baker is using and the reporters are adopting: they're talking about an "education reform bill." What went into committee, however, was an education funding bill. They have had their "reforms" (and frankly, the further "reforms" being talked about aren't reforms at all); they need to fund education.

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