Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September Board of Ed: arts standards update

the backup is here

Riley: revising arts frameworks which have not been touched since 1999
did put a 1.0 position in for an arts coordinator
there's a powerpoint here; I'll see if I can get it if it's needed
Ron Noble and Craig Waterman
"woe unto the state bureaucrat who follows Mr. Siddiqui"
notes Commissioner has long held that arts are part of a rich education
informed by feedback on state ESSA plan
Four goals:
  1. emphasizing importance of arts education
  2. include media arts and other emerging forms
  3. align to current research and resources
  4. align to structure of other frameworks
preparation was stakeholder outreach, panelist recruitment, and faciliator training, which went through May
now in writing and revising with panel meetings, content advisor input, and drafting of frameworks
intent is to be back in December or January with drafts to be released for public comment
intent is to be voted out in May

asked: what are elements of excellent arts education, current strengths and shortcomings of framework, suggestions for organization
standards should be specific and measurable
asked that discipline not be merged
identify common practices across disciplines
grade pairs in standards

had five full day meetings this summer: identified key learning, started with standards that needed revising, deletion, moved
final review meetings in September with feedback from content advisors
developing standards with an appropriate amount of time in mind
balance and options for districts
consistency to build across all frameworks
Stewart follows up on mention of arts position: it is Riley's intent going forward
How do you say everything is going to be a practice?
Noble: What we would ask a first grader to do, a fifth grader to do, a high school student to do...
what skills support these broad concepts
frequency and duration is also important; know that arts are an answer to improving schools
Moriarty: "this has always cut against the grain of the mindset of the subjects tested matter" as opposed to all disciplines on an equal footing
time is a resource as is money; merging arts into other subjects
is there any intent to use that, and if so, how?
Noble: standards across five disciplines that allow integration with content or just integration in the arts themselves
increase access to the arts even where we don't have time to do it
McKenna asks when they'll know about arts position; Peyser says next few weeks

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