Tuesday, June 26, 2018

June Board of Education: Computer Science

backup is here
expanding access to computer science: allow more to study computer science particularly through MassCore, expand numbers prepared and interested in pursuing computer science
where are computer science courses offered and who is taking them?
course enrollment in computer science does not mirror student enrollment; higher among white and Asian students, lower among black and Latino students
students need to be exposed to computer science early in their schooling; can be integrated in existing curriculum
Stewart asking about disparities in enrollment of students
how does one find the reasons for those disparities?
Peske: using the data to drive us to ask more questions
"drilling more deeply into the reasons below the data that we see"
Trimarchi: "the reason I didn't take computer science is that it wouldn't count for math or science"
really incentivizes something we haven't
Peyser: barriers to offering computer science, to taking computer science; trickles down to elementary school
overall enrollment in computer science?
McKenna: some of the things in some of these places might be a summer offering
"I think there are a lot of students who are interested in this but can't access it"
Fernandez: factoring in outside organizations?
A: MassCUE and MassCAN for PD and outreach
don't count in landscape report

motion carries 

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