Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Never again

While it's school vacation week in Massachusetts, note that gun protests are happening at schools across the country:
"I just feel like some people might be scared to protest. It was real nerve-wracking," Pierre said. "But once you do it, you feel liberated, and you feel like you're connecting. All the people that you don't know who's hurting, you find out they're hurting with you, and you're just more connected through protesting."
Upcoming actions:
I'll update with more links as I find them. 

While we are talking about student protests, may I introduce (or reintroduce) you to Tinker v. Des Moines? This is the case that gives us the oft-cited line about students not shedding their rights "at the schoolyard gate" as well as the question of if students are "disrupting school assembly." I'd point you also to this:
That they are educating the young for citizenship is reason for scrupulous protection of Constitutional freedoms of the individual, if we are not to strangle the free mind at its source and teach youth to discount important principles of our government as mere platitudes.
I'd suggest reading what the ACLU has about this case and its implications if you plan action at school. UPDATE: The ACLU is also having a "Know Your Rights" phone call for such students.

Harvard Graduate School of Education offers this collection of information for creating resilency after violence. It includes this statement:
When students engage in protests, civil disobedience, or any other form of activism, it’s important for school leaders to listen to their concerns and to support their right to protest, says educational ethicist Meira Levinson. Educators can support students' right to protest without taking a stand on those views themselves. Defending students' right to voice their views can help foster civic participation and bolster a strong climate. Educators should encourage conversations about difficult or controversial issues, and should do so regularly throughout the year.
I note that both Fairfax County and Howard County Boards of Education (Maryland) have passed measures "supporting student voice regarding school safety." The ever-growing list of colleges that have issued statements supporting student protests (and saying discipline resulting thereof won't be held against them) is here.
This Atlantic piece is good on why these student voices seem to be gaining traction.

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