Wednesday, November 2, 2016

2016 MASC Delegate Assembly

You can find the report of the Resolution Committee here. Full Delegate Manual is here.
posting as we go! 
In receiving his award, Rep. Steve Kulik praises school committees for conducting school business "with great transparency and in the public eye."

President Jake Oliveira: today "sets broad-brush policy goals" for the organization.
resolutions have gone through a three-tiered process: any committee may present a resolution: goes through Resolutions Committee, which deliberate and recommend to Board of Directors, who likewise vet them, and forward them to the Delegate Assembly.
"get to the heart of public policy issues that we raise on your behalf"
analogous to town meeting in how it operates
reminder that some delegates have more than one vote (as they represent more than one committee)

Minutes are approved

Devin Sheehan, Treasurer, makes the finance report, which is approved.

Pat Francomano, immediate Past President, presents the report of the Nominating Committee, which is approved.

Denise Hurst of Springfield introduces the Minority Caucus officers.

President-elect Pat Murphy introduces the Resolutions Committee.

Resolution 1: Foundation Budget Review Commission
amended by Everett to call out low income calculation
amendment passes
resolution passes

Resolution 2: tax reform "Fair Share" amendment 
concern from the floor that resolution singles out one group of people
another "look at it as a Robin Hood issue, takes from the rich and gives to the poor"
Murphy: following recommendations of Foundation Budget Review Commission
Westboro: "we believe this is a very dangerous suggestion to make to the legislature"
"we believe everyone needs to get out to vote
Silver Lake "one of the only educational associations in Massachusetts that has yet to take a position in favor of this proposal"
Burlington: MA does not have a graduated income rate; "people who have more should pay their fair share"
"we live in the Commonwealth; we're here to educate all of our children"
need to
New Bedford "quite frankly, if we went around the room and asked who feels that they get enough funding from the state, I don't think we'd see many hands"
we need to help the Legislature in closing that gap
"certainly not trickling down to my district"
Tantasqua: state budget is close to $40B
feels that it would provide a "disincentive to our town to support beyond net school spending"
Plymouth moves to amend: "explore additional ways to fund it"
amendment passes 61-37
Amherst-Pelham: "when we talk about wanting to redo the Chapter 70 funding formula...we don't have sufficient revenue to do that"
based upon "a principal of progressive taxation, which is what we have in Massachusetts"
"if you're not going to support this, then you have stop saying you want foundation budget reform, stop saying you want universal preschool, stop saying you want charter funding reform"
Question is moved
Tellers counting
Resolution passes 67-41

Resolution 3 on charter school reform
first up is from a vo-tech which takes no position, as it does not impact them
Josh Amaral of New Bedford: opposes any cap lift, taking No position on question 2
financial impact "is known very well to us in New Bedford"
Paul Schlictman of Arlington speaking to regional vo techs
Arlington chose to join regional vo-tech, has representative on committee, votes budget
may have differences of opinions on charter schools
Question 2 "will blow the doors off of this"
"when they have a preferred funding stream"
Brendan Walsh of Salem "not only appropriate for this body to take a position on this item; it is our duty"
RISE Act virtually eliminated cap; was opposed by charter lobby as it required local approval or full state funding of charter
"They know they cannot win when they have to deal with people in the community"
Ad says "it's no skin off your nose so you should vote for it"
"If you think they were arrogant before, wait til it passes"
>Melrose: resolution "we must remain diligent"
Newton notes recent Moody's report: impact not just on the children who are making choices out, but the 96% of children who are choosing to stay in our districts"
Newton amends to highlight English Language Learners
Falmouth School Committees: distinction of "linguistic minorities" v "ELL
Ronnie Houle of Leominster is a second language learner, supports
amendment passes
Newton still up: amendment to add requirement to have a school committee member on the board; have 25% of board be parents and require board include a student
not necessarily fighting for specifics but wanting governance reform
not supporting specifics, supporting spirit
>delegates' attention called to "painting with broad brush so as to not to paint us into corners"
Walsh: concerned about "sending district" rather than "hosting district" or "district with largest group enrolled">Monson: intent is to give broad stroke of direction: moves to vote on amendmentamendment failsresolution overwhelmingly adopted
Resolution 4 on social emotionalamendment to add "but not limited to"

amendment passes
resolution passes unanimously

Delegate Assembly adjourned!

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