Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Board of Ed: FY18 budget

Craven: Governor's budget is filed on the third Wednesday in January each year
goes to House Ways and Means; then full House
goes to Senate Ways and Means; then full Senate
"we're always working on last year's budget and next year's budget simultaneously"
"about an hour's worth of discussion on Question 2's possible impact"
good for Board for how mechanisms on how charter schools are paid for "on the limited number of communities it would impact"
(sigh; didn't read the language)
"never enough money"
"really focused" on MCAS 2.0; making sure we have the resources to ensure it's a success
some idea of using pilot money to get at those issues of poverty
"other state agencies that" get at issues
intergovernmental chargebacks in section 2B of the budget
how money can travel from one department to another
"enforced collegiality as a budgetary mechanism"
"are we able to use a combined pool of money" to address challenges of kids in poverty
going to come back to the Board as we think these things through
discussing challenges for students who are ELLs
lists Lawrence, Holyoke, Southbridge (do they talk to non-Level 5 districts?) as pilots
DESE: general framework for where we are in terms of the current state budget cycle
Governor has publicly expressed concern with revenue growth this year
he's instructed potential FY17 budget withholdings "9C reductions, as they're known"
remains to be seen what will happen there
constricted spending environment
most resources will be directed to local aid spending
some modest room by leveraging through state agencies, some small investment pool
voluntary separation: voluntary retirement incentive
voluntary layoff option, as well
"provide an opportunity for folks, as well as save payroll"

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