Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Joint Board meeting: early college

early college being discussed now
more focus and more energy to these areas
select area of early college: to address concern of both areas: long term success of students, particularly first generation college students

intention to incorporate discussion into work on early college
"common ground on what the definitions are"
to Commissioners "a lot of work by both agencies"
going to go through it rather quickly
explain what early college design is, how it's being implemented both nationally and locally, put out some guided questions
Chester: released latest graduation news: very positive again
"a high school diploma is a minimum but increasingly insufficient credential"
rare that student won't have to go on to further education to earn a living wage
tremendous opportunity to have students earn college credit before leaving high school
Higher ed commissioner: fascinating to listen principals talk about their early college programs
very different paths at different schools
"benefits to a variety of students for a variety of different reasons"
provides an opportunity for students who may not know people who have gone to college with a chance to see what college might be like
the way it is done is different
conversations between high school teachers and college professors "very very valuable"
"linkages are very important"
data suggest valuable: increase graduation, increase college persistence
"clear benefits on the broader level"
"what kind of model would we like to see play out, knowing that there are a variety of approaches that are taking place across the Commonwealth"
models of students completing an associates degree while completing high school
ability of students to take more credits earlier on
what can we learn from this? What can we build from this?
increased movement on STEM models, for example
Chester: highlighting Marlboro STEM program
"was aimed at the middle tier of students"
bringing in underserved populations and closing gaps is important to achieve numbers needed of people with Bachelor degrees
transfers: need to streamline that
"This is not an exhaustive list by any means" of questions for discussion:

  • metrics for success
  • mdoels of program design to pursue
  • types of students to serve
  • how to ensure funding and sustainability
  • who will be accountable for success
Chester: "towards what end?"
strong case made for first generation college-goers
think four year institutions should be part of the conversation, too
higher ed member: "to serve as many students as possible"
bent towards what colleges can do for other students
"our colleges can't even serve" their own students at this point
but have some of the leading institutions in the world on this work
expanding capacity of universities, perhaps by having people in industry grade work
Willyard: what types of students should be be serving? "Ideally, all of them."
college costs increasing across the board
good economics, affordable for all students
Moriarty: reading stats on outcomes"it's about getting that result through"
"What students will be served?"
"by and large, yours is the system that is training our teachers, particularly for our youngest students"
don't see changes in theory of instruction, of rigor
Morton: first hand experience with students who participated
"college was demystified for those students"
'believe in the absolutely transformative impact"of program
have to focus on kids "who need this opportunity the most"
"more academically challenged, but who, once finding themselves at a community college, are able to make the greatest academic gains"
Sagan: have you thought of level of demand and scalability
focused on gaps: for example, nurses
"not quite on pace for where we need to be to fill those gaps"
Noyce: in terms of a policy push from the state, we should focus on students who are low income and are first generation college
students who are least able to complete college and where we'll see the biggest jump
Do we create some sort of committee that oversees this joint work?
higher ed member: are there any models of cost implications of full models?
Gabrieli agrees that's "crucial"
Doherty: great idea helping kids on transition from high school to college
used to talk about school-to-work
is there a way of merging these two so employers also have a way of working on the transition?
Paul Toner talking about visiting Singapore on teacher preparation
some things we wouldn't want to do, top down, etc
"must be some middle ground"
"how can we get to those kinds of outcomes"
higher ed member: think we need to approach this conversation that everyone goes to post-secondary to get a career
at some point they're going to need to connect with the work world, to think about experience
Peyser: intersection at both our particular mains
reiterating Governor's announcement about dual enrollment

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