Monday, March 16, 2015

Second quarter report

projected deficit of $221,110
have spent more than half a million on snow removal
have submitted for two storms $193,839 to FEMA for possible 75% (and reimbursement is not calculated in at this time)

state budget reductions: biggest impact on this report is Quality Kindergarten grant: equivalent of 15 IAs
all other reductions are elimination of services; Admin does not have a funding recommendation at this time

personnel services in deficit: transition in special ed services being brought in house over time (didn't happen right away)
If Quality K weren't cut, two would have offset each other.

Unemployment, workers comp
increase in out-of-town special education and McKinney-Vento

Balances in teachers (vacancy and attrition) custodial salaries (deficit in overtime)
retiree health insurance plan kicked in in January (so balance)

projected deficit has held two quarters; usually there is a change
need to take action now

$50,000 freeze EACH in technology, staff development, environmental management, curriculum supplies
second year in a row that schools don't get $10/pupil that is frozen at the beginning of the year; would usually be released now

Foley: sobering report; 9C cuts coming halfway through the year
two school based administrators on sick leave; need fill in
custodians on workers comp: issue? Martin working to reduce the numbers on workers' comp
looking at equipment being used, light duties for bringing people back, "not one particular issue"
Foley: is it snow removal? Martin: nothing long term
weather related costs: hoping we can get back from the fed; chances? hard to tell
difference from other year? Third party services for plowing and removing snow from roofs
number of storms: regular and overtime; much of it during regular hours
Foley: if school is closed and custodian comes in...? regular salary, unless day is extended

Ramirez: items frozen: what is environmental management?
Allen: agreement with DoJ and DEP, work continuing in future
safe managment of chemicals and the like
"because we've reached compliance, on a one time basis, we think we can freeze funds to address this"

Novick: praise facilities for their work over the winter and snow
did we see any damage from snow? Yes, on some roofs, repairing as we go
saving $12/ton on trash removal
request for Friday letter reporting on impact of freeze on technology, staff development, and student supplies
Not comfortable with freeze of student supplies; share that information with parents so at least they know why
transfers pass

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