Monday, February 2, 2015

Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, rep on House Committee on education and the workforce

she's from Oregon, and I came in partway through
Primary responsiblity for education lies with state and local authorities
most resources come from state and local resources
started in state legislature
"I became one of those stay-at-home moms who was never at home"

PTO president, school volunteer,
"saw firsthand how unfunded mandates and constrainted budgets" hurt our schools
"you're compelled to serve for the same reason I am"
comparison of test scores of our country with others does not take into host of factors
"need to work together to stand up for public education and put an end to this trned"
"it's critical, because public education is worth"
"success and civic well-being"
"giving every child an opportunity to thrive...and that's power"
"to affirm that public education is alive and well"
"expect that we'll see more and more students excel in more advanced coursework"
dropout rate (national) reached a new low last year
"strive to engage every student to get him or her on a path to a love of learning"
visiting schools "gives me hope for the future"
watched one-to-one use of iPads for differentiate instruction
"one of my schools has an all-girls welding's full every time they offer it"
passing the ESEA was part of the federal War on Poverty
identify inequities and target resources to cope with them
clear we still have a ways to go
"unequal outcomes are still stark"
wide disparities in graduation
student demographics are shifting; majority of students in poverty in public schools
disparities among spending in schools
federal spending and resources come in? "Strong proactive role in combating" inequitity in resources
"need to reject proposed cuts to funding..fully fund Title I"
"troubled by eliminating maintenance of efforts legislature"
address comparablity loophole (sends resources to more affluent districts"
"we need fewer standardized tests and a reliable framework"
"S missed this Making Assessments Reliable and Timely" bill proposed
"a broader picture of the testing"
should not be used to punish students and schools
"have take the joy of learning out of far too" much
too much time preparing for testing
"does away with a prescriptive, one-size-fits-all accountability system"
climate, parental engagement, fair distribution of resources should be considered in school accountability
"should be used to target support"
"positive not punative"
"one test on one day can never capture all that a child knows"
accountability that doesn't create anxiety
fund not only Titles but career and tech and other opportunities
"discover and rediscover the value of well-rounded education"

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