Thursday, January 1, 2015


Happy new year! A few blogging resolutions:
  • I see from reviewing the year that the local "what's the real story" sort of posts remain the most popular, and you can continue to count on them. It sometimes means some late (post-meeting) nights or early mornings, but if I know it about Worcester education and can share it (which is usually true), I will. We'll continue to clear up misconceptions, bust rumors, explain details, and get to the bottom of that which remains unclear. And as always, if you have questions, drop me a line! 
  • More state coverage! My CharlieCard is charged and ready; the Board of Ed meetings are on my calendar; Malden will see me monthly. As we get into the new Gubernatorial and Legislative sessions, I am sure that there will be state level issues to cover in Boston, as well. In my view, this has now reached the level that got me blogging in the first place: the coverage of vital education issues is so poorly covered at the state level that somebody has to do something. (See also Jerry Garcia.) 
  • I have a sneaking suspicion that there may be more need for the "are you kidding me?" kinds of posts. When it comes to articulated fury, then...more to come!
In terms of School Committee, this coming week I enter my sixth year. We've got the IB school to sort out, and we'll be entering budget season (with [spoiler] a lousy inflation rate) before we know it. I've also got a list of a few pages of things that continue to niggle at me, from why we still have classrooms without recycling bins, to why we have schools that have inaccurate names, to how we better get kids into high school programs that really reflect their long-term interests and needs, to if we're reading any fiction in elementary school, to if we're actually going to get any worthwhile results out of the PARCC test this year (setting aside for the moment the question of if we ever got any worthwhile results out of the MCAS). And likewise, if there are things you'd add to that list, let me know! 

I don't know that I say this enough: I am truly honored to be entrusted with a seat on the Worcester School Committee, and I'm looking forward to another year.
Happy 2015! 

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