Thursday, December 18, 2014

IB school discussion

Monfredo: most importantly, would like to find out as much as I can if we have the revenue to

Novick: in sum: why Doherty? it's the most centrally located
recommitment needed to other programs, like GSA, like Burncoat arts
admission must align with what the work of the school is

O'Connell: attended the winter concert at Doherty
"in terms of capacity, class sizes that are larger than" would be comfortable in terms of space
opportunity for Doherty to speak up
clearly avoid having a test
"I suggest that this is not the direction down which we should be going"
cites Brooklyn Latin as an example as an IB that has an exam for admission (it has to, as it's an NYC exam school, and the principal would rather not)
lists schools that are exam-only admission

Petty: we're going to have a planning year,
none of this is new

Foley: Ad-Hoc committee did make a recommendation, "we are not looking at an exam school"
"we are seeing that testing alone is not necessarily alone" the measure of what a student can do
"this is still pretty skelatal"

Biancheria: how many public hearings?
Petty: at least two
Biancheria: most of what I've heard is about location, so far; at least two, and then move on from that

Ramirez: would like to see the unfolding of how we're going to unfold this through the year

HELD! for further discussion

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